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Units of measurement

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Often we have to see in articles from car magazines, video games, even in real cars, some kinds of measurement units that are different from the ones we are used to see. This could create some misunderstandings for example in top speed runs, where in some places the measurement unit is the mile per hour, but in others places, could be kilometers per hour. This is because the world used to have a few measurement systems, depending of the region, but actually nowadays, is intended to use just one system for all the regions in the world.

Non-Metric User

In red color, the nations that have not currently adopted the SI (international system of units) as their primary or sole system of measurement.

In racing video games is very common to find this kind of confusion. Some games come with a default system which can’t be changed,others games give you the option to change between systems(imperial or metric), and others allows you to choose the measurement unit of your wish in every aspect (if you want Mph or km/h for the speed, between kilograms (kg) or pounds (lb) for the (mass) weights, etc ). This kind of option should be at all the racing games over the world because allows the user to choose freely its favorite measurement unit.

If you are interested to know how to convert from a system to the other, you are in the right place, here you will find how to convert the most popular measurement units used in the automotive world (specially in racing games).

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